Jack Bodine

Artifacts are tangible pieces of evidence demonstrating the skills and knowledge I’ve acquired from various learning experiences. Links labeled “currently unavailable” indicate either that I haven’t gotten around to publishing it or that the project contains exam/coursework which must remain private for furture iterations of the course. However, if you email me, I’ll try to expedite it.

November 2023

SQL-Inspired Database Server in Erlang

Advanced Programming

Currently Unavailable

This project offers a simple SQL-inspired database system implemented in Erlang. It includes a custom API for managing database operations, such as creating tables, executing queries, and managing concurrency. The system supports essential database operations, all of which are optimized for concurrent execution.

Erlang’s concurrency model allows the database to efficiently handle multiple operations simultaneously, such as performing queries and updates across different tables. The project also includes error handling and synchronization mechanisms. QuickCheck tests were developed to validate the API’s functionality and ensure reliable operation. This resource is ideal for those interested in exploring database systems in Erlang, or for those seeking to implement their own SQL-inspired database using a functional programming language.

Erlang, Database Systems, Concurrent Programming

December 2021

Rad Routes

Principles of Database Systems

Code Available on Github

Rad Routes is a web app for finding and sharing outdoor bouldering routes. This project was made with two others as part of our Database Systems course. It involves designing a SQLite database, creating a back-end with Django and front-end with react.

Database Systems, JavaScript, Web Development

