Jack Bodine

Artifacts are tangible pieces of evidence demonstrating the skills and knowledge I’ve acquired from various learning experiences. Links labeled “currently unavailable” indicate either that I haven’t gotten around to publishing it or that the project contains exam/coursework which must remain private for furture iterations of the course. However, if you email me, I’ll try to expedite it.

March 2024

HCI Research Papers

Advanced Topics in Human Centered Computing

Available Upon Request

Advanced Topics in Human Centered Computing focused on the latest research in the field of HCI. We read several papers per class session and were tasked with writing three papers to demonstrate our understanding. I wrote a literature review on the current state of typing-based input methods for Virtual and Augmented Reality. Additionally, I designed an experiment proposal to investigate how people interact differently with anthropomorphic interfaces and wrote technical evaluations of several recently published papers related to ubiquitous design in computing.

Research, Human Computer Interaction, UI/UX Design

