Jack Bodine

Artifacts are tangible pieces of evidence demonstrating the skills and knowledge I’ve acquired from various learning experiences. Links labeled “currently unavailable” indicate either that I haven’t gotten around to publishing it or that the project contains exam/coursework which must remain private for furture iterations of the course. However, if you email me, I’ll try to expedite it.

September 2024

NLP Toolkit

Natural Language Processing

Currently Unavailble

This NLP toolkit was made to implement various concepts from my NLP course. It includes n-gram models, logisitc regression classifiers, and sequence labeling models.

Natural Language Processing, Python, Machine Learning

May 2023

Processing Art Projects

Art of Code

Available Soon

At my university, Art of Code was registered as an art class rather than a computer science class. This course taught me to apply my programming skills in a creative medium. Using Processing in both Python and Java, I created several art projects that showcase the unique intersection of coding and art I explored during this course. These projects illustrate how programming can be used as a tool for artistic expression.

Art, Python, Java

May 2022

Movie Analytics Project

Computational Analysis of Big Data

Code Available on Github

“Computational Analysis of Big Data” focused on methods to handle and analyze large datasets to extract meaningful trends and insights. As part of a project, I worked with two other students to scrape movie data and analyze metrics such as the most successful director/actor combinations. This project utilized tools like Pandas, NumPy, and Streamlit, demonstrating our ability to work with big data and perform complex analyses.

Python, Data Analytics

